Ian Sandell
Project Director
Ian has had a dynamic career to date. Initially, starting his career as a soldier with the Australian Army where he participated in the Bicentennial Military Tattoo and as a recruit instructor through to being and Education Manager in TAFE (SA). For the past 14 years he has gained extensive experience within the building and construction sector. The diversity of his experience within defence and education has led Ian to become successful as a construction and project manager.
Ian has been instrumental in supporting the development and establishment of the Aboriginal Business Industry Chamber of South Australia (ABICSA). He has an extensive network Australia wide with wellestablished relationships within the Aboriginal Business Sector. This has been recognised by Aboriginal Enterprise in Mining, Exploration and Energy (AEMEE) were he was invited to be a key note speaker at this year’s annual conference held in Adelaide. Ian has been quoted to say “I am totally committed to our cause. I will continue in my endeavour to win the hearts and minds of senior managers and business owners in need to engage, develop and maintain Aboriginal employment within their businesses.” This is his mission.
Ian is one of the indigenous owners of PACM and has extensive and ongoing relationships with various Indigenous groups throughout Australia.

Ronald Boland
Operations Manager
Ronald is an indigenous man with well-established networks with various Indigenous groups throughout Australia. He continues to work with Aboriginal business and remote communities.
Ronald grew up on Cattle Stations in South Australia and began work full time at the age of 13. Consequently, he worked on various cattle stations throughout Australia and operated Heavy Machinery. He worked his way up to managing the work crews in the Stock Camps and this role involved mentoring Indigenous people. Ronald is quoted saying “Aboriginal People have the potential, ability and skills to do great things.” Throughout his career he has taken it upon himself to help indigenous people develop these skills for them to become future leaders within their communities.
In 2011, Ronald established Red Mulga Indigenous Service at Olympic Dam. His aim was to provide a clear direction for Aboriginal workers to gain an opportunity and showcase their skills in the mining and construction industries. At its peak, Red Mulga employed 130 people with an Aboriginal Engagement of 70%. This has had long lasting outcome for indigenous peoples with the majority gaining valuable on the job skills as well as formal qualifications.

Christopher Overton
Financial Officer
Christopher Overton is a Chartered Tax Adviser and a Fellow of the Tax Institute of Australia with a specialisation in Small to Medium Businesses. He holds degrees in Accounting and Law and provides his advise to across industry groups including IT, Construction, Property, Financial Planning and Accounting both in Australia and Singapore.
Christopher has been the Chief Financial Officer on the boards of several private companies and Non for Profits organisations. With a strong financial background Christopher works with companies to improve their internal systems and procedures thereby improving their longevity and profitability. Christopher's role within Parakeelya is to ensure the growth remains sustainable and managed as we build our National profile.